

Q: Where is HEAL located?
A: 413 West Main Street, Boonton, NJ 07005, US
Q: How do I make an appointment at HEAL?
A: We see clients by appointment only. Please schedule online or call (973)-216-0864 to schedule and appointment.
Q: Are your purchases refundable?
A: Due to quality issues of improperly stored products, skincare products and supplements are not refundable.
Q: How is HEAL Different from other Spas, Wellness Centers?
A: Beyond the three founding principles that we reference on our homepage, our focus is on holistic wellness and functional medicine, which both seek to find the root cause of health problems, as opposed to just looking at symptoms on the surface.
Q: What is Holistic Wellness?
A: Holistic Wellness emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. It’s the recognition that what affects one part or system affects the whole body. Accordingly, a holistic approach to health is multi-faceted and mindful of the consequences of our habits and actions.
Q: What is functional medicine?
A: Functional medicine is predicated on the understanding that disease is a process of cause and effect, and not a “one step” process. In other words, disease is not just an indication of a biomarker that is suddenly elevated on a test. Rather, it involves a series of steps in which the body is constantly trying to re-establish homeostasis. Accordingly, Functional Medicine offers a treatment methodology that focuses on root causes, not symptoms. This is different from traditional medicine in that it deciphers the origin of the illness and identifies disturbances in biology, which leads to solutions that deliver optimal health benefits.
Q: What conditions does functional medicine address?
A: Functional Medicine naturally supports autoimmune, digestive, and skin conditions that include, but are not restricted to:
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Irritable Bowl Syndrome
  • Indigestion
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Environmental & Food Allergies
  • Acne & Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Sensitive Skin
  • Hormonal Breakouts
  • Under Eye Circles
  • Puffiness
  • Various auto-immune conditions
Q: Why would I go to HEAL instead of a dermatologist?
A: A Dermatologist may only look at the symptoms and prescribe a medicine to alleviate the problem. While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, it could be that it only presents a short-term solution. At HEAL we look into the root cause of whatever is ailing you, and strive to find a permanent solution to the problem without prescription medicine.
Q: What facial treatments and skin renewal services do HEAL offer?
A: Our menu of therapeutic facial treatments includes:
  • Honey Enzyme facial
  • Foaming Enzyme Treatment facial
  • Harmony facial
  • Deep Peel Treatment
  • Exfoliating Clear Skin Facial
  • Fire & Ice Facial
Our “Add On” options include Eye Bright Treatment and LED Light Treatment. If you’re not sure which treatment makes the most sense for you – not to worry! We offer free, private evaluations with no further obligation.
Q: What other ways does HEAL support client wellness?
A: We offer the following services, which all fall cleanly under the holistic wellness umbrella:
  • Nutritional supplement programs
  • Diet and Lifestyle consulting
  • Laboratory-based assessments
To schedule a free consultation, click here, or call us directly at (973)-216-0864
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